aslii thari blog

Weaving 101

Hey Wefties!!

Today is all about the basics,

Since many of you are new to weaving and the fibre world this post is to get you started by familiarising certain weaving terms and what it actually means. This will not only help you understand our workshops and  blogs better but will also spark your interest to forage more into weaving.

Loom – Any structure to which the warp threads are fixed is called a loom. We are not kidding, we have used matchboxes and cardboards as a loom.

Warp – a series of threads fixed to the loom through which the weft is woven into. Warp is usually fixed vertically from the weavers perspective.

Weft – yarn horizontally introduced into the warp by the weaver .

Shuttle  – A tool used to introduce the weft into the warp is called a shuttle.

The process…

Step 1 is setting up the loom, the warp threads are tied to the loom maintaining an even tension. It is important for the tension to be even since it is difficult to weave with an uneven or loose warp.

Step 2 is to wind the weft to your shuttle for weaving. Step 3 is to interlace the warp and the weft. The way the weft binds itself and the warp threads together is called a weave. This is how a fabric is woven on the loom in brief.

Let us now look at the 4  basic weaves and their structure.

1. Plain weave – the most simplest form of weaving where the weft goes alternatively above and under the warp yarns and is mostly referred to as 1up 1 down structure.

2. Box/ Basket weave – it is a variation of plain weave but the difference here is that the next weft woven takes the same path the weft before took.

3. Twill weave – In this type of weave the weft goes above one warp yarn and below 2 warp yarns . This weave forms one of the most durable fabrics since more yarns can be packed in this structure.

4. Satin – A type of weave where the weft goes up one warp yarn and below. The unique factor of this weave is that it imparts a sheen to the fabric naturally.